As I Close My Eyes


As I close my eyes I can see
You and I are lying under a shaded tree
It's a beautiful breezy summer day
How I wish this day would last forever, I can only pray
You and I gaze into each other's eyes and we can see
How our love will last forever for you and me
I feel love's eternal flame burning in my heart
Our love so strong, nothing can keep us apart
I'll overcome any obstacles that may lie in our way
As long as I can hold you in my arms for yet another day
Let our days and nights last forever
Let me touch you, caress you and give you so much pleasure
When I look into your eyes I know our love is for real,
there's no doubt
For your eternal happiness is all I care about
I love you so much words cannot even begin to say
I hope when I open up my eyes our love won't fade away.

Jeff Sheu

Copyright ©2002 Jeff Sheu





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