Drifting So Far Away


Though it breaks my heart,
I'm so sorry to say
But in my heart I'm drifting so far away
The love light between us shines no more
That chapter in my life I have closed the door
How I feel in my heart I want so much to deny
But for both of us to do so would only be a lie
Each day we are apart I feel I'm drifting farther away
I don't know what to do...or what to say?
Though with all my heart I promise I have tried
I just can't control how I feel inside
I wanted our love to forever last
I only know from you, I'm fading ever so fast
I'm truly sorry if these are not the words you want to hear me say
But in my heart, I have already drifted so far away.

Jeff Sheu

Copyright ©2002 Jeff Sheu





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