My Personal Paradise by Jeff Sheu


My Personal Paradise

My Personal Paradise

Listen up my friends, for there is a story to be told
About a place free of hunger, pain and the bitter cold
Close your eyes and let me take you to this place
A place where we are all equal and we are not judged by
our color or race
I talk of a place where the sun forever shines,
and the darkness stays away
Where the people live in peace and harmony, each and every day
A place where our children can laugh and play all day
Parents don't have to worry about their children being taken away
A place where whole nations aren't dying of disease and starvation
A world where we don't have racial inequality or segregation
This place does exist, if you believe you'll see it in your eyes
It exists for our children, but in adults we can't see because in our
hearts we only deny
The place I talk about, the people forever smile and are ever so nice
This place I talk about, is called my personal paradise

Jeff Sheu

Copyright ©2002 Jeff Sheu



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