Your Angel



 Your Angel


Your Angel has been sent to watch over you
A guiding light to see you through

Your Angel brings to you eternal hope
On your darkest days to help you cope

So have no fear, feel no sorrow
There will be light, there will be a tomorrow

Sometimes you may feel you are not strong enough
You'll find the strength from Heaven above



You are in our thoughts and in our prayers
Your Angel is there to wipe away all your tears

Somedays you may feel only darkness and pain
But remember there will be sunshine after the rain




Your Angel will shine upon you Heaven's light
To keep you safe and warm on the coldest nights

You must never give up and always believe
The precious gift of life, from Heaven you'll receive


On the days you feel that you just can't go on...
Your Angel will be there to sing you one more song.


Jeff Sheu

Copyright ©2003 Jeff Sheu




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